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PROTENIS | Agnes Szavay
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Agnes Szavay


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Agnes Szavay používá

Wilson BLX Blade Team

Used by top WTA players Serena and Venus Williams, the BLX Blade Team offers an excellent combination of power and control.

The racquet of choice for top WTA players Serena and Venus Williams, the BLX Blade Team offers an incredible combination of power and precision. The large, 104 square inch headsize provides a healthy sweet spot with plenty of power while a sub 11 ounce strung weight makes swing speed easy to generate. From the baseline, our playtesters found the BLX Blade Team to offer excellent power while maintaining good control. With the extended length, at 27.25", this racquet provides added leverage and reach. At net, the head light balance makes this racquet extremely maneuverable while the large stringed makes putting away volleys effortless. Much like the Williams' sisters, this racquet is effective for both singles and doubles play. A nice choice for the 3.5+ player seeking power and maneuverability.

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