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PROTENIS | Julian Reister
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Julian Reister

Gstaad €439,405
29.07.   Lopez F. Reister 16 2:6 6:4 6:1 1.70 2.01 Komentáře
28.07.   Reister Kavcic 32 4:6 2:0 ret. 1.40 2.68 Komentáře
26.07.   Reister De Schepper Q2 6:3 6:3 1.50 2.25 Komentáře
26.07.   Reister Lapentti G. 6:4 6:1 1.40 2.52 Komentáře
Bastad €439,405
21.07.   Zverev A. Reister 32 6:7(4) 6:4 6:3 1.50 2.38 Komentáře
20.07.   Reister Lestienne Q2 6:4 6:3 1.22 3.58 Komentáře
19.07.   Reister Olivo Q1 6:3 6:4 1.70 1.96 Komentáře
Wimbledon £12,568,000
24.06.   Mathieu Reister Q1 6:1 7:6(3) 1.25 3.48 Komentáře
22.06.   Reister Kicker 6:3 6:1 1.23 3.50 Komentáře
19.05.   Bagnis Reister 5:7 6:3 6:2 1.30 3.15 Komentáře
Glasgow €42,500
05.02.   Marcora Reister 16 7:6(2) 7:6(6) 3.50 1.23 Komentáře
04.02.   Reister Milton 32 6:1 6:1 2.03 1.65 Komentáře
Půměrný kurz: 1.894
Podržené kredity: 16002 K
Odpálené kredity: 5600 K

Jako favorit: 85.71 % (6 z 7)
Jako underdog: 20 % (1 z 5)
Julian Reister používá

Wilson BLX Blade Tour

A midsize player's racquet with a surprisingly forgiving feel, this one is loaded with control, stability and enough power to crush put away shots.

Precision and control shine through in this midsized player's racquet from Wilson. Providing a slightly more dampened and solid feel compared to the previous Blade Tour, this BLX version continued the Blade legacy in fine form. Players who supply their own power will find the most from this one. A long fast swing results in lots of controllable power and pinpoint accuracy. The open string pattern provides a surprisingly large feeling sweetspot considering the 93 square inch headsize. Spin is easy to generate and players will find ample plow through for hitting groundstrokes with heavy, penetrating spin. At net the racquet offers supreme control and a solid response. Accomplished net players will find dialing in their volleys takes no time with the BLX Blade Tour. There's ample feel for touch shots and enough stability and pop to punch volleys away with pace. On serve the racquet comes through the hitting zone with ease, allowing the player to find the racquet head speed required for both pace and spin. A solid update to the Blade line. This one is a must demo for advanced level players seeking precision and control in a forgiving and maneuverable package.

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