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Roger Federer - toaletní voda ve spreji | HEAD Graphene XT Radical Rev Pro 16/16-16/19 | Yonex V-Con 30+ | Head Liquidmetal (Agassi) | Wilson nCode n5 Force
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tak ten Mardi nakonec bude hrát nebo co ? Hey man, thank you so much for this beautiful song :-))) ----------------------------------------------------------- komentáře po uzávěrce -------- Tak Ryba je jak rybička, tedy trošku leklá, ale hraje... Ve druhém setu to už není leklá ryba, to je ryba ve vodě :D milion na federera. no vy jste lolci .) ted koukám o pětikilo je moje .)) :) Však jsi o to pěťo taky přišel, Bolku!:)) MAHONY JE bídáááááááááááák ! ! !
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Roger Federer, you're getting better-er
Every time I see you play
Roger Federer, that's what I said-er-er
(You're) gonna win it any way
He's your Grand Slam Man
He's your Grand Slam Man
He's from Switzerland, he's a wunderkind
But don't get in his way
You know he's hopin' to win the Open
He's got the opportunity
Roger Federer, you're a predator
He'll attack you from the start
Roger Federer, you're a shreader-er
He will tear you right apart
He's your Grand Slam Man
He's your Grand Slam Man
This one's for the fans
Roger Federer, you're getting better-er
I know you always steal the show
Roger Federer, put on your sweater-er
C'mon it's time to go
He's your Grand Slam Man
He's your Grand Slam Man
He's not just working on his tan...
He's your Grand Slam Man
He's your Grand Slam Man
He's not just working on his tan
He's even won in Rotterdam...
And they like him in Japan...
He's your Grand Slam Man